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Happy Year of the Monkey Valentines!

Ok, this hasn’t been the best start to a new year for me. So after, a little bit of illness and a few missed deadlines, I’m glad I got a do-over (of sorts) with the Chinese New Year. The Chinese Year of the Monkey started last week and today is that most beloved of...

Mad Bubbles

It was a long, lazy holiday break for me. For my first doodle of the year, here’s something I made over #blizzard2016 weekend. It has nothing to do with snow, though. Just a simple bubble generator and popping fun — with a counter!...

Pink Panther Swagger

This was nothing more than an excuse to try out sprite animation using svg, css and javascript. I got inspiration from here and...

Happy Birthday, Go!

gopher mascot designed by Renee French So, not too long ago, I can recall numerous blog posts created by very puzzled developers over the release of Google’s general-purpose programming language, Go. The range of critiques covered the gamut from, “the...